An Egyptian blogger asks “Is there a gay rights movement in #Egypt?” This is what happened.

June 7, 2011 at 6:50 PM (Uncategorized) (, , , )

Sarrah Abdelrahman, an Egyptian activist, blogger, revolutionary, veteran of Tahrir Square and overthrower of dictators, asked a question on Twitter earlier today: “Is there a gay rights movement in #Egypt?

Some of the replies were what you would expect and probably sound familiar to any gay rights activist in America, such as (paraphrasing) “not that I know of,” “this is not the right time,” “there are more important issues,” “no, it would be used against us on other issues” and, inevitably, one guy who said “I’d support lesbian rights, I love to watch girl on girl!”

There were a few (a very, very few) responses I would say were positive.

Unfortunately, the mild responses were a tiny minority. The overwhelming majority of the replies to the question were truly cringe-worthy, at least to my eyes. I’ve compiled a list of some of the worst responses, along with a couple of the more positive responses.

Now just to be clear, you’d see the same sort of hate and bigotry from any random group of Americans on the subject of gay rights, although I would think there would be an equal or greater number of positive responses to balance it out. This is by no means a comprehensive survey of all Egyptians, just a small sampling of opinion from people all following the same person on Twitter. Still, considering the tone of these responses, I don’t think I’d want to live in Egypt right now if I were gay.

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